CPAD is coordinated through the APS Divison of Particles and Fields.

CPAD has the responsibility to promote excellence in the research and development of instrumentation and detectors to support the national program of particle physics in a global context through the organization of the annual topical meeting on detector research and development; the nomination and selection of the annual DPF Instrumentation Awards and the Graduate Instrumentation Research Award; the promotion of educational programs to further the understanding of detectors and their instrumentation; the organization of multidisciplinary workshops; and the development of new activities consistent with its mission.

From the APS DPF Bylaws:

The Coordinating Panel for Advanced Detectors (CPAD) shall consist of a Chair, as well as a Vice-Chair and six members appointed by the DPF Chair-Elect following a call for nominations and approval by the DPF Executive Committee prior to appointment by the Chair-Elect. Panel members shall serve staggered, two-year terms but should not serve more than two consecutive terms. The newly appointed member of the CPAD chair-line shall serve first as Vice-Chair, succeeding to the Chair position in the second year and serving for one year. The CPAD shall have the responsibility to promote excellence in the research and development of instrumentation and detectors to support the national program of particle physics in a global context through the organization of the annual topical meeting on detector research and development; the nomination and selection of the annual DPF Instrumentation Awards and the Graduate Instrumentation Research Award; the promotion of educational programs to further the understanding of detectors and their instrumentation; the organization of multidisciplinary workshops; and the development of new activities consistent with its mission.